Monday, December 19, 2011

A Nativity Activity!

On this last week before Christmas, spend a little time each day with the characters from your nativity scene.

Monday: Angel
The Angel Gabriel came to tell Mary and Joseph about baby Jesus. What would you do if an angel visited you? Have angel food cake for dessert tonight in honor of Gabriel.

Tuesday: Mary
Mary was a young girl with no husband. Do you think she might have been surprised and afraid when Gabriel told her she was going to have the Son of God? She probably was, but did she obey God anyway? Yes, she did. She told Gabriel she was the Lord’s servant. How can you serve God and your family today? Talk to your family about what it was like when your Mom was pregnant with you. Could she feel you moving in her tummy?

Wednesday: Joseph
The scripture tells us that Joseph was a righteous man. That means he loved God and obeyed His Word. God chose righteous parents for Jesus so they could be a good example to him. How do you think Joseph felt when he found out he would be the earthly father to Jesus? Give the dads in your family a call or a big hug and thank them for being a good example to you!

Thursday: Shepherds
After seeing Jesus, the shepherds didn’t just go back to their sheep. They spread the word about what they had seen and they started praising God. Think of one new thing you’ve learned about Jesus’ birth. Then tell someone about it! After you’ve done it, praise God like the shepherds did!

Friday: Kings
The Bible doesn’t really tell us there were only three wise men. Just that there were three gifts. Regardless of how many were there, we know that they had been on a long journey to find Jesus. Imagine not knowing where you were going and following a star, just so you could find a little baby. Their dedication in looking for Jesus shows how amazing it is that God’s Son. Think of three gifts you'd like to give Jesus for his birthday this year. What do you think Jesus would like for his Birthday?

Saturday: Jesus
Do you remember your baby bed? What color was it? Was it soft? Jesus didn’t have a bed when he was a baby. After He was born, His mom and dad had to lay Him in an animal’s feeding trough. How do you think Jesus felt laying in the manger? How did Mary and Joseph feel? Cut up a brown grocery bag or other paper to make a soft bed for your baby Jesus.

Sunday: Happy Birthday Jesus!
With everything going on on Christmas day, it can be hard to remember we are celebrating Jesus' birthday. Remember to take time to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Be sure to tell your family and friends all you've learned about the nativity characters this year! Merry Christmas!

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