Monday, October 3, 2011

What Are You Reading?

Hi Friends,

I just started this great book entitled, The Rhythm of Family: Discovering A Sense of Wonder Through the Seasons by Amanda Blake Soule.

Soule is the author of several books about cooking, crafting and creating a simple and simplified household with great appreciation for the beauty of the seasons and the adventure in the every day.

Though I'll never achieve her "granola-ness," I've appreciated her message and as I aspire to create the best childhood experiences for my family.

I thought you might also appreciate this quote from the intro of this book:

"Wonderful things happen in our family when we choose to move slowly through our days. When we stop running and rushing about, we discover more time, energy and space for the things most important in our lives. By slowing down, our connections with our children and as a family inherently become deeper, our creativity thrives and we find meaningful ways to fill our time. The natural world can serve as both inspiration and reward on this journey. For it, too, is ever changing and constantly in motion. As both plants and animals grow, there is an ever present awareness of both birth and death, and the constant passage of time. But, this passage of time is a subtle one. One that could be missed if we check in on it infrequently. It is only by spending time in the natural world, by paying attention and noticing, that we see these important changes the earth experiences. This natural rhythm, this subtle changing of the seasons, can act as the heartbeat of our lives. By paying careful attention to the world around us, the slow and even pace can become one that we draw upon in our family lives as well. It can be the rhythm that we all need."

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